The technical design document is to change the overall process of cadastral survey of the guidance document. Specific problem, do the specific supplement.
Design data is reviewed by an approved engineer not responsible for the generation of the original document and approved by the Engineering or Technical Director.
A design input is the technical information or data which allows for adequate development and completion of design document.
The change of project refers the changes of contract caused by the modification of design document or technical specifications, which has great impact on the work of project cost management.
Technical research, design , analyzing for functional safety products, and Its development document compiling and modification.
If specified by the design document, halogen, helium, alkaline air or other method is adopted for gas leakage test, special technical specification shall be duly followed.
If specified by the design document, halogen, helium, alkaline air or other method is adopted for gas leakage test, special technical specification shall be duly followed.