At presently, the technique of data compression has been already got a success application in many aspects on home and oversea market.
Data compression has been a technique of indispensability in times of information.
Marine black box provides the basis for analyzing and dealing with accidents, of which the key software is navigation data compression technique.
Quartered transform technique has been applied in many fields of digital signal especially in the field of data compression.
The problem of image data compression is an important part of the scene matching guidance image pre-processing technique.
Summary of Background Data. Percutaneous vertebroplasty is a well-established technique for treating osteoporotic compression fractures.
The method and technique of data management towards its include: data quality control, data aggregation, data compression and sampling store, data fusion.
As the key technique of modern communication, media storage, data publish and multimedia computer, image compression is one of the most active areas in information processing.
To reduce the storage volume of the test data during the built-in self-test (BIST), a new BIST technique based on two dimensional compression of test data is presented.
Based on a data dimension compression technique, this paper studies the principles and method of remote sensing information extraction for urban built up land.
With the modern seismic technique rapidly developing, the data compression serving as the support techniques of fulfilling mass data memory and transmission is attached much weight to by peoples.
Fractal image coding is one of researching focuses in image coding field at present. It is a kind of data compression technique with special advantages and a good developing future.
This paper presents the importance of source classification to image data compression with vector quantization technique. Also, an image data classifying method is given.
High quality Chinese character generator and typesetting controller: An unique data compression technique of representating Chinese characters with very high quality has been successfully developed.
In the phase of data treats, the paper introduces a data pipeline technique into the arithmetic. The speedup ratio is 8.89, largely increases the speed of compression.
To solve the conflict between the huge data of the 3d mesh and the power of the graphics engines and the limit of the network bandwidth, 3d mesh compression technique provides a series of approaches.
To solve the conflict between the huge data of the 3d mesh and the power of the graphics engines and the limit of the network bandwidth, 3d mesh compression technique provides a series of approaches.