A lot of this information was received telepathically by specific Wise Ones.
After this mapping is finished, EPOC users can ostensibly play Pong or Tetris telepathically.
Our fate is often very painful because humans have lost the ability to communicate with us telepathically, and our needs often go unrecognized.
You will communicate telepathically with souls in spirit and in physical civilizations as you wish, and you will manifest your ideas into forms.
By means of a sophisticated interfacing device, a human telepathically "drives" this avatar body, allowing him to experience Pandora just as the Na 'vi do.
They communicated with each other telepathically, and they were so much in tune and in harmony with each other, that the human language was not necessary for communication.
We wish to caution those that open to us to be aware of the quality and content of the message received, as we are not the only ones attempting to influence telepathically.
I had a little trouble connecting telepathically with her, I think because she was not expecting me to do so, having her "telephone" set to those with whom she is familiar.
Sure, troops might one day communicate telepathically. But they might also control drones, computers -- and weapons -- using a brain-computer interface instead of a button or a trigger.
Sure, troops might one day communicate telepathically. But they might also control drones, computers -- and weapons -- using a brain-computer interface instead of a button or a trigger.