Mathematical models that allow us to calculate the rise in temperature as a function of the increase indicate that the answer is probably yes.
Eventually the temperature of the surface waters of the sea rose, not so fast as the air temperature it is true, but fast enough to produce a dangerous increase of humidity.
The increase was traced to nearly two decades of temperature, solar radiation and water availability conditions, influenced by climate change, that were favorable for plant growth.
What that amounts to as a global goal is trying to avoid exceeding global average surface temperature increase of 2c.
At the same time, greenhouse-gas emissions would be driven up inexorably, putting the world on track for an eventual global temperature increase of up to six degrees Celsius.
But recently, they found that they had to wash them every 2 days: a few degrees increase in temperature was causing food to spoil more rapidly.
These have a cooling effect on the climate, and removing this effect will increase the sea surface temperature in the North Atlantic relative to the South Atlantic.
Even a small drop in temperature leads to an increase in the number of people who suffer a heart attack, say researchers.
Dressing for 15-20 degrees warmer than it is will allow for your body temperature to increase and reduce the risk of overheating and excessive sweat.
衣物只需保温至高出15 -20度,这样既可以保证你的体温正常上升,又可以减少过热和大量出汗的风险。
They say the brown clouds have most likely contributed to the increase in air temperature in the region, which in turn is in part responsible for the observed melting and receding of glaciers.
Solar radiation will increase the temperature of outside surfaces where the trailer body is exposed to the sun.
A global temperature increase of 3.5%, comfortably within the current range of estimates for the end of this century, would put paid to half the rainforest.
If you eat too soon before going to bed your metabolic rate and body temperature will increase when they should be decreasing. This makes it harder to get to sleep.
While it is possible to imagine doing so in a way that cancels out the change in average temperature caused by an increase in carbon dioxide, such a reduction would not simply restore the status quo.
二氧化碳浓度过高引起的平均温度变化,可能会因为实施第一种办法有所缓和,单纯减少太阳辐射量却并不能让气温恢复到以前的状况。 当地的温度仍旧会发生变化,比如受洋流,降雨量,土壤湿度和光合作用的影响。
We increase the temperature by this much, - so many degrees Kelvin or degrees centigrade - that's the same and then this is the number of calories that you have to put in there.
Light is what preps us for waking, alerting the brain to increase body temperature and cortisol, and decrease melatonin.
Increase or decrease in a timely manner according to temperature change clothes.
No need Baking Soda as a catalyst that will increase in gas output in the same time increasing temperature to dangerous condition.
"It takes a wind chill temperature of around minus 15 degrees [F] where you start to see an increase in the incident of frostbite, " Castellani said.
Here, the fungus is very sensitive to the increase in temperature and so that could have an impact, but there is no empirical evidence yet.
If global warming, or long-term climate change, does increase the year-around temperature here just a few degrees, John Hart predicts, in decades to come, flowers could be crowded out by sagebrush.
If we don't stop doing this pretty quickly, the average temperature will increase to levels humans have never known and put an end to the favorable climate balance on which our civilization depends.
As a result of selective excitation, heat will be generated in a homogenate leading to an increase of its temperature.
As a result of selective excitation, heat will be generated in a homogenate leading to an increase of its temperature.