Based on the water temperature stratification in different periods, the influence of water temperature over water quality and agriculture irrigation is analyzed.
Based on experimental data, water saving and temperature raising effects of micro irrigation with plastic film mulch are analyzed and discussed.
Whether the shallow layer of soil or the deep layer of soil, from 8:00 to 20:00, each treatment at different time, soil temperature were inverse ratio with water irrigation amount.
无论土壤浅层还是土壤深层,各不同处理在8:00 ~ 20:00之间各个时刻土壤温度的高低都与灌水量的多少成反比。
Tarim irrigation area is located in the warm-temperature zone with plenty of light, heat, soil and water resources which are favorable conditions for the development of agriculture.
本文根据土地生产潜力和人口承载力计算模型 ,确定在不同生活水平要求下塔里木灌区适当的人口规模 ,为塔里木灌区农业资源的合理适度开发提供参考依据。
Tarim irrigation area is located in the warm-temperature zone with plenty of light, heat, soil and water resources which are favorable conditions for the development of agriculture.
本文根据土地生产潜力和人口承载力计算模型 ,确定在不同生活水平要求下塔里木灌区适当的人口规模 ,为塔里木灌区农业资源的合理适度开发提供参考依据。