Even though one or two degree Celsius rise in sea surface temperature for a relatively short amount of time can cause bleaching.
This cycle has the potential to change at any time, and the consequences could dwarf any measures agreed to at Copenhagen to halt the temperature rise.
When you sleep for long periods of time, your body temperature doesn't rise as quickly in the morning.
Nitrogen is the inert gases, low expansion coefficient, not easily with the environmental temperature rise for a long time, can maintain normal tire pressure, greatly reduce the flat tire.
As long as the pre-set current value and a good bonding time, the system based on current feedback signal auto - Regulation, will not be glued current thickness change and mold temperature rise.
The activity of PPO in the juice decreased gradually with the rise of heating temperature and the extension of pressure holding time.
The yields of copolymer increase respectively with the rise of ultrasonic intensity, reaction time , temperature and the amount of an anion surfactant (SDS).
The exhaust gas temperatures rise and variation during EUIII test cycle and its impact on the light-off time, ceramic temperature, dynamic response behavior and emission results were studied.
The results showed that the PEG content increased with prolongation of reaction time, with rise of reaction temperature.
The increase in drying time and temperature give rise to the decrease of average pore diameter, however, the variations are not obvious when they reach a critical values.
Adjustable temperature: freely adjustable operating temperature, with fast temperature rise that saves time and high efficiency.
However well you know someone, they could always spring a surprise, and at the same time the emotional temperature could rise very quickly.
The efficiency of desorption increases with the rise of ambient temperature and the extension of resting time.
If several of these conditions are present at the same time, a person's body temperature may rise above safe levels.
Large bed size was helpful for the increase of adsorption capacity as well as the extension of breakthrough time and keeping a moderate temperature rise of the bed.
When the rise time is steeper, the temperature rises faster, and the surrounding of the machining filed are less affected while the distance of the thermal diffusion reduces.
The experiments prove that ion migration time shortens with a rise in temperature and the migration time for the same ion in different samples shortens with an increase in ion concentration.
So we can obtain the motor temperature rise at any time by the motor temperature rise formula.
The startup time for the fan type motor is relatively longer, which is unfavorable to the temperature rise of its stator and rotor conductors.
The meter uses the continuous automatic electronic temperature control, and controls the current for temperature rise in real time, resulting in accurate temperature control.
At the same time, the influence of water outlet from the power plant upon the ambient temperature rise of local water area near the plant site and upon the ambient flow field has been studied.
For a long time inside the pump temperature rise sharply, seriously affecting the life of the pump, even damage of pump "killed".
The gelation time becomes shooter and gelling strength becomes bigger with a rise of temperature and in certain salinity range, the same thing would happen with the rise of salinity.
Several kinds of coal inhibitors are tested with programmed temperature -rise oxidation method and the time -temperature curves are obtained under enough oxygen condition.
对几种阻化剂进行了程序升温氧化法测定,获得了在氧气量充足情况下原煤样与各阻化煤样的时间- 温度曲线。
As the electric time is prolonged, the indoor temperature can also rise unceasingly.
Cuts the pot for two speed, may with the chopper, no matter what decides the speed coordination, cuts mixes the time to be short, the material temperature rise is small.
After Qingming time, the temperature begins to rise up and rainfall increases, indicating that it is the crucial time for the farmers to arrange their farming activities accordingly.
At the same time, temperature rise calculations in single-segment iron core and in half-of -axial-length region(25 segments) were done and compared.
同时本文还做了单段铁心与半轴向长( 2 5段铁心)的温升对比计算。
At the same time, temperature rise calculations in single-segment iron core and in half-of -axial-length region(25 segments) were done and compared.
同时本文还做了单段铁心与半轴向长( 2 5段铁心)的温升对比计算。