If you don't declare a tunnel parameter because it is not used in that template, then you don't have to worry about its name clashing with any variable reference in that template.
This placeholder class should represent the instantiation of List by binding the template parameter t to the template parameter of X.
The template that matches "html" calls a named template based on the input parameter.
You must explicitly add the template type parameters to the template class name when using it as a template parameter in a base class list.
It is invalid to use an unspecialized template class name as a template parameter in a base class list.
Template process are parametric founded by part sort, that is the relations of template process and part parameter are founded, to realize generation of process.
You passed a class template in the argument to a class template that does not take a template parameter.
Conversely, a non type template argument is a constant within the template so that an attempt to change the value of a parameter is an error.
Conversely, a non type template argument is a constant within the template so that an attempt to change the value of a parameter is an error.