We propose a temporal database model named GT.
The logical design of temporal database is discussed in this thesis.
It discuss the temporal relation algebra operations fit to temporal database.
Continuous nearest neighbors (CNN) inquiry is important in spatial-temporal database.
In the temporal database, temporal granularity is the unit for measuring the temporal data.
Constraints involving multiple time granularities exist in many temporal database applications.
Oracle FlashBack is another temporal database product that supports the record-temporal feature.
The event modification in the event history has the important influence on the temporal database.
事件发生使得系统状态进行转移 ,事件历史中事件变更对时态数据库具有很重要影响。
Spatio-temporal database management system is a kind of DBMS that can deal with both spatial and temporal data.
In this paper, temporal database is used in management of postgraduate information and rules at different times.
In spatiotemporal database, geographic entity model includes spatial and temporal information of geographic object.
In order to implement a temporal database management system, we have to set up a query language for the data model.
Spatio-temporal database management system (STDBMS) is a kind of DBMS that can deal with both spatial and temporal data.
Erwin discussed the design options for implementing bi-temporality in domain models by using a temporal Database or writing custom code.
Erwin讨论了在领域模型中实现双时态(bi - temporality)的设计选择:使用一个时态数据库(temporal Database)或编写自己的代码。
The spatial information database of land reclamation is a temporal database due to the change of land resource with the coal mining.
Temporal database systems extend traditional relational database systems. One important such extension is to support time-varying aggregation.
Temporal database of land use was used to manage increment data in effect and to retrieve the historical data of land use by the method of plot flow.
Integrity is one of the objectives related to information system security, this paper presents a model to specify integrity policies for temporal database management system.
According to the theory of temporal database, a design idea of realizing temporal dispose by communicated between TDBASE, a temporal disposal middleware, and non-temporal DBMS is offered.
As there is no commercial temporal database management system, the research on temporal database design methodology based on mainstream database management system has practical significance.
TimeDB is an open-source temporal relational database product.
Simplifying the application design, by removing the need to store some kinds of temporal data. By using a Flashback Query, you can retrieve past data directly from the database.
Adding temporal data type to system, the temporal data can be managed conveniently and effectively in relational database system.
When dealing with temporal data you might want to describe the expected precision in database.
The application of the model can realize editing, updating and spatial-temporal querying of the place name database.
Based on the precipitation database collected from 1950 to 1985 of 98 rainfall stations in Chongqing, we analyzed the precipitation features of Chongqing through temporal and spatial distribution.
A dynamic analysis was also applied to the water depth using multi temporal channel maps and a database of water depth of the Lower Yangtze River was also set up.
The focus of the research into new GIS-T database is the management of temporal and history data and information that comes from many kinds of resource and services for all kinds of users.
ERP systems support business processes across organizational, temporal and geographical boundaries using one integrated database.
In this paper, Authors sum up the actuality of Temporal GIS, and introduce the conception and the type of Time Database and Space-Time Database.