You should not use the temporary certificate in deployed solutions as evidence.
You should use this temporary certificate only during development, and purchase an official certificate for deployment.
A temporary certificate is created for you and granted trust at build time so the solution will run while you debug it.
The certificate of China compulsory vehicle insurance with validity term not less than the temporary entry period.
For the sake of convenience, I suggest you to copy your passport page two, Chinese visa page two copies, two copies of the employment permit, temporary accommodation registration certificate copy two.
Upon the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works, the Contractor shall clear away and remove all Contractor's Equipment, surplus material, wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Works.
The pesticide Registration Certificate and Temporary Registration Certificate shall specify the term of validity of the registration.
What is a "temporary residence certificate?"
The Contestant must be the holder of a valid Macau (Temporary or Permanent) Identity Card or Macau Passport or Macau Birth Certificate;
Article 28 A set of export license for textile exported to European Union and Origin Certificate for Textile Exported to European Union may corresponds to more Temporary Textile Export License.
Article 28 A set of export license for textile exported to European Union and Origin Certificate for Textile Exported to European Union may corresponds to more Temporary Textile Export License.