He only came out of hiding ten years after the war was over.
Almost ten years after his death, the new calendar was finally accepted.
Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I'm still putting to use what he taught me: "The absolute most important skill that you learn when you play chess is how to make good decisions".
Ten years after, I moved again.
This is just ten years after it reached five billion.
Ten years after the tragic accident there, it was still running.
She remarried her former husband ten years after their divorce.
Ten years after Asia's financial crisis, the region is booming again.
Ten years after the death of her husband, she got married for a second time.
Ten years after the Agile Manifesto was written, the debate and discussion continues.
The submarine was not launched until early 1981, ten years after the construction began.
Ten years after a failure to find the answer silenced the dotcom boom, the solution remains elusive.
Her research suggested that 88% of patients could expect to be alive ten years after their diagnosis.
TEN years after Microsoft was dragged before the courts, all its big antitrust cases are back in the news.
It may sound ridiculous now, but the prediction was actually true for about ten years after it was made.
Stevenson visited her in later years and corresponded with her for ten years after this case was investigated.
Compare it with a new car. Ten years after you've sold it, someone somewhere in the world will still be driving it.
During the more than ten years after EMH been put forward, it gain strongly sustain from theory and demonstration.
I like life, like a young man and his fiancee as fresh, cool off to teach me to see ten years after marriage scene.
Ten years after trading college for the warehouse, Mr. Blevins, 29, spends his days at the same supermarket company.
Ten years after repudiating its international debts, Argentina hopes to strike a deal with unpaid creditors this month.
Ten years after, God gave me a clearer view than I ever had before of the way to obtain it; namely, by faith in the Son of God.
Ten years after he began his project, Henry discovered a stoat on the island and realized his life's work had been in vain.
But the beauty of speed will increasingly vanish fast if it is your only asset, the value of ten years after you very worried.
I can still teach you how to play Red Planet at a Virtual World ten years after I flew my last mission. I can recite the sales pitch word for word.
在我“金盆洗 手”十多年后,我仍能教你如何在一个虚拟的世界里扮演火星[译者注:作 者在从事这份工作时,向购买者所做的演示],一字不差地背诵那些销售秘诀(如:它仅为一杯啤酒的价格等)。
Developers thought European themes would be attractive to Shanghai's new rich, but ten years after launching the project, some themed towns remain empty.
Almost ten years after its publication, the aged professor still got very excited over his book: "It was detective work. I had a lot of fun working on it."
Ten years after the discovery of human es cells, scientists are still working on standardizing procedures for coaxing pluripotent cells to become mature tissue.
Ten years after the discovery of human es cells, scientists are still working on standardizing procedures for coaxing pluripotent cells to become mature tissue.