Conversely, a tiny character has less inertia than normal, so his movements tend to be quicker.
I used to long to be normal but, because I tend to break things down, my sense of self was thousands of fragments of memories that I was trying to piece together.
Antagonists tend to be small molecules that bind irreversibly to the receptor preventing its normal function, while agonists may be small or large molecules (e.g. peptide or protein hormones).
That is, under normal circumstances fluctuations tend to be short and small.
Take the first problem, for example. When a new API comes along and it looks like it might be helpful, many developers tend to simply ignore all the normal steps involved with adding technology.
Teeth with chronic caries will tend to be darker in color because the edges of the cavities become stained from normal eating and drinking.
Developers tend to be social oddballs and the normal conventions seem awkward to us.
They're neglected, they tend to be pushed into the background, and this extra attention has a much bigger effect on them that it would on a person of more normal intelligence level.
Objective To test whether the distribution of normal old peoples subjective well-being scores present positive skewness and what types of items tend to be given more positive responses.
In addition, both tend to favor acidic or alkaline the skin, can not be regarded as normal.
In addition, both tend to favor acidic or alkaline the skin, can not be regarded as normal.