Among the writers of the plays in this collection, Paul Green, Susan Glaspell, Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder, William Saroyan, and Tennessee Williams have all received Pulitzer Prizes for their contributions to the theater.
1944-tennessee Williams' play "the Glass Menagerie" was first performed publicly, at the Civic Theatre in Chicago.
It is a sunlit story of the warm south: Mark Twain rather than Tennessee Williams, complete with drive, wit, love, pride, hope and so on.
整日沐浴在温暖南方的艳阳之中,他的童年经历更倾向自力更生式的少年马克·吐温,而非一直活在敏感之中的小田纳西·威廉姆斯(Tennessee Williams),生活充满了动力,才智、爱情、骄傲和希望等种种元素无一不缺。
Life is all memory, except for the present moment that goes by so quick you hardly catch it going — Tennessee Williams, American playwright.
Tennessee Williams is one of the most excellent playwrights in America.
The Glass Menagerie, written by Tennessee Williams in 1944, is a little pathetic play about a family on the edge of falling apart.
The dramatic technique "poetic realism" which is originated by Tennessee Williams is one of the cardinal factors that makes the playwright world known.
Tennessee Williams is one of the greatest American playwrights.
Considered as Tennessee Williams' first well-known book as well as the masterpiece in American drama history, the Glass Menagerie received wide attention from the critics.
Newman only snared the lead role in this Tennessee Williams adaptation after the producers original choice - Elvis Presley - turned it down.
This essay expounds the function and artistic effects of stage lights in Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie.
In Tennessee Williams' Glass Menagerie, Laura Wingfield suffers severe inferiority complex caused by her physical disability.
H Lawrence, and American contemporary playwright, Tennessee Williams, are both productive writers, whose works arouse controversial arguments in public.
H Lawrence, and American contemporary playwright, Tennessee Williams, are both productive writers, whose works arouse controversial arguments in public.