Thee term of contract starts as from to ; totally one year(s). the probation period thereof is as from to .
The term of contract shall be 60 months from the date when Party a can manufacture qualified contract products with the know-how and equipment supplied by Party b.
If the Party B intends to the supplementary contract, should write in the supplementary contract application within one month before the term of contract has expired.
The contract shall be valid for 10 years from the effective date of the contract, on the expiry of the validity term of contract, the contract shall automatically become null and void.
The legal term of contract of both parties shall not be shorter than 5 calendar years and the earliest termination time of contract shall be in year of 2018 then it is a contract term per 5 years.
Revenue of long-term project contract shall be reasonably recognized, according to the completed contract method.
The term of the exclusive right to publish the work, enjoyed by the book publisher as specified in the contract, shall not exceed ten years. The contract may be renewed on expiration of that term.
If only the probation period is stipulated in a labor contract, it shall be untenable and the said period shall be the term of the labor contract.
Where the term of a labor contract is above one year but less than three years, the probation period thereof shall be less than two months.
De Jong, who has just over two years on his current contract, has been one of City's outstanding performers this season and has told Roberto Mancini he wants to commit himself to the club long term.
The contract may be renewed on expiration of that term.
We should like, also, to discuss with you the drawing up of a contract for a term of years, say ten, during which we shall have the exclusive right of publishing in book-form all that you produce.
the term of any labor contract has expired;
This contract is part of the Army's Long Term Armor Strategy initiative to equip all tactical vehicles with the ability to be armored when necessary.
The type of contract: long term, AD hoc, restricted time, unlimited time, etc.
In case a contractor deceases during the term of a contract, the successor of the deceased contractor may continue the contract.
"Term" means the term of the Contract from the Effective Date through the Expiration Date.
This contract is a non-fixed term labor contract: contract term From Date Month Year to the occurrence of legal or stipulated dissolution or termination conditions.
This contract is a non-fixed term labor contract: contract term From Date Month Year to the occurrence of legal or stipulated dissolution or termination conditions.