Now you'll create a test script to verify that you can add an item to your shopping basket.
Start by recording a simple test with one variable data item, a search string.
This is sufficient for the first item in the example test plan (Table 1).
If you do this to each worksheet item your test case script looks similar to Listing 6.
The selected plan item will be added to the test case.
For each solution in a release, we can have either one or more test plans for each line item or a test plan for solution-level integration testing, or both.
For example, a shopping cart unit test might test that you can add an item to a cart through the model API.
Now that you're setup to test your application, let's walk through listing an item using the SDK.
现在,您已经准备好测试您的应用了,现在让我们看看如何利用SDK 来列出商品。
To add a new batch item, I use the following test code.
Test map toolbar item in XML map editor.
Test two: Verifying adding an item to the basket.
This will simply generate an alert when the new Test Action menu item is selected.
Use the Test Module menu item.
You can test whether this example worked by creating a new Movie item.
您可以创建一个新的Movie 内容项,用它来测试这个例子是否能正确工作。
An alternative method to accomplish the same result would test whether the current item in the tuple is even (using if not num % 2:) and, if true, would add the current item to the running total.
实现相同结果的另一种方法是测试tuple中的当前项是否是偶数(使用ifnot num %2:),如果为真,那么将当前项添加到运行总和中。
To begin the test, select the Return item as shown in Figure 39.
Verify that the test case has been added to the work item in Rational Team concert.
确认测试用例已经添加至Rational Team Concert中的工作项。
The value of the test attribute of the xs:assert element information item is an XPath expression that evaluates to either true or false.
assert元素信息项的test属性的值是一个XPath表达式,其值等于true或 false。
This item will be named for your class with "Test" appended.
该项将以类“Test ”命名。
The JUnit view context menu provides a new work item action to create a new work item based on the selected JUnit test.
Rational Quality Manager offers the ability to customize test plan and test case templates, workflows, and work -item attributes.
Rational QualityManager提供了定制测试计划、测试用例模板、工作流程以及工作属性的能力。
The test system uses an AC drive system which provides direct coupled input to the test item.
The new working memory study builds on previous research, but provides the most rigorous mathematical test of the three- to four-item estimate, Cowan said.
In the left pane, right click the Content Store entry, and select the Test option from the popup menu item.
To test the solution, submit an order for an item for which there is insufficient inventory. Then, you can trace the entire process
The team gave more than 1, 000 volunteers a standard 12 item smell test and then followed them for four years.
The test procedure will include plans schedules procedures log sheets acceptance forms test sheet test item and fault correction procedures on tests of each equipment and entire system.
Objective To establish a computer program for the management of sample and test item in clinical immunoassay.
Methods Using barcode clinical laboratory information system, a module for management of sample and test item information was established.
Methods Using barcode clinical laboratory information system, a module for management of sample and test item information was established.