Compared with ordinary people's blood (in the left test tube), nanna's blood is oyster white (the right test tube).
We used a conical flask, a fabric bag of sprigs of lavender plus shredded, a plastic delivery tube, and a test-tube in a beaker of cold water.
Agronomists studying the herb have discovered that it produces large amounts of histidine, an amino acid that, in test-tube solutions, renders these metals chemically inert.
About one year ago, he got this new piece of tech which is like a test tube.
Since the birth of the first " test tube baby" in 1978, more than three million children have been born with the help of reproductive technology.
Each tissue ribbon is then dropped into a test tube and its RNA purified for gene expression analysis.
The sample was then exposed to a magnetic field applied parallel to the direction of flow of blood via a coil around the edge of the test tube.
This turns out to be immensely useful in physics and chemistry, because the smallest components coming from a particle accelerator or a test tube behave individually in predictable ways.
Let's imagine, as he says, human beings as if they were in a sort of laboratory test tube.
More than 10,000 test tube babies have been born since the birth of Louise Brown and there are now four million IVF babies worldwide.
In fact you do not have to kill any animals for this kind of research because we do everything in a test tube.
For this example, we used a conical flask, a fabric bag of sprigs of lavender plus shredded, a plastic delivery tube and a test-tube in a beaker of cold water.
It is one thing to manipulate cells in a test tube, quite another to treat people.
It's too early to tell whether pentamer would act the same way in the body as it behaves in a test tube, but if it does, it could have potential as a cancer treatment.
Specter says scientists assured him that there will be no taste differential between animal meat and test-tube meat.
This is when the fascinating science of very big cosmic phenomena can be done with a test tube filled with glycerol and water.
All eyes were fixed on a narrow test tube — two-thirds filled with a viscous black liquid — clamped between two couplings on the machine.
In a test tube, the lymphocytes are perfectly capable of killing tumor cells.
Most recently, those crazy scientists have even recreated a 'supernova' in a test tube!
The steam passes along the plastic tube to the test tube, where it condenses on contact ith the ice-cooled glass.
It consisted of a test-tube with a wet piece of cotton as worms will never survive in case of bad humidity.
The mutated enzymes were then put in a test tube with a small amount of nerve agent and the acetylcholinesterase.
Researchers wearing white lab coats wander into the corridor, occasionally opening huge chest freezers in search of test-tube samples.
Food that is planned to be carried inside the test-tube is examined by the guard that can reject it as garbage.
It may be a mark of how commonplace fertility treatment has become in such a short time that nobody in this country really talks about test-tube babies anymore.
Test tube experiments suggest that humans paid a high cost for developing immunity to this bug: it may have left us much more susceptible to another retrovirus, HIV.
The test-tube is filled with worms and eggs.
Figure 3 shows a green LED inside an inverted test tube for protection against rain.
It was strange enough when cloned cow meat entered the food chain, but now one scientist is trying to grow test tube meat in his laboratory.
It was strange enough when cloned cow meat entered the food chain, but now one scientist is trying to grow test tube meat in his laboratory.