Nearly 40% of Americans likely will test-drive an electric vehicle in the future.
“If we can get American customers to test-drive, I am sure it will go down well, ” he says.
Your customers or leads can now test-drive several Rational products in an online hosted environment with no installation or configuration required.
So far, we haven't had a chance to actually test-drive the desktop or web apps ourselves, but you can expect an in-depth review from us once we get access to the beta.
As part of a public project that's open to the ideas and hard work of anyone willing to contribute, the incubator offers a chance to test drive new ideas.
Consumers are buying cars from websites without ever going for a test drive.
Kids can test drive the latest games on large-screen TVs with state-of-the-art sound.
Dad asked her to take it for a test drive.
Now that you have some customizations in place, let's take a quick test drive to see some of the PSGML editing features.
They needed a professional brewer to take their yeast for a serious test drive.
Sure, they may come by the dealership and test drive the car. But will they be able to afford the payments?
Use this opportunity to gather information and take your spec vehicle for a short test drive.
As part of a public project that's open to the ideas and hard work of anyone who is willing to contribute, the incubator offers a chance to test drive new ideas.
Start your server and give it a test drive.
The test drive site includes samples where you can try new array methods and play a game built with new ES5 capabilities.
You can test drive this using a preliminary SOA self assessments available to help you determine your readiness to start your SOA journey and your opportunities for improvement.
A team of Italian engineers launched what has been billed as the longest-ever test drive of driverless vehicles.
DB2: Download the test drive of DB2 9.5 data server.
DB 2:下载DB 2 9.5数据服务器的测试驱动程序。
Few people buy clothing or shoes without trying them on, and you'd likely never go through the hassle of buying a car without a test drive first.
Think of it as as if you were buying an expensive car: a test drive is crucial before making a final decision.
Sharding: a test drive with easyb.
For installing the Skyway Builder request for a test drive and follow the installation instructions.
Download the DB2 9 test drive and Net Search Extender to try out the query techniques described in this article.
下载DB 29测试版本和NetSearchExtender,尝试本文中描述的查询技术。
They can test drive on test or production databases without changing the development projects.
Many colleges and universities hold visiting days that offer a chance to attend classes and stay overnight; sort of a test drive.
Take a test drive and you quickly understand that this is something completely different.
Our continued ask, is that you download the latest preview, try the samples on the test drive site, and try your own sites.
Sales teams can often test drive their provocations with advocates lower down in the customer organization or with third parties who are well acquainted with the company.
The test drive site includes samples where you can try new array methods and play a game built with new ES5 capabilities.
The test drive site includes samples where you can try new array methods and play a game built with new ES5 capabilities.