This section offers insights into this growing range of applications and the most appropriate instruments and test techniques to solve specific test and measurement challenges.
Introduces the rationale and techniques of common normal length measurement in the test and mapping of parameters for gears.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test.
电磁兼容性(emc)。第4 - 3部分:试验和测量技术。辐射、射频和电磁场抗干扰试验。
Three main methods, site measurement, wind tunnel test and numerical simulation techniques are commonly used for the study of wind-induced interference effects on buildings.
So, the key techniques for development of MOA domestics are correlation standards, making and test of elements for DC MOA, and the measurement of non-uniform current between multi-column arresters.
Corrosion resistance of zinc impregnation and dacromet coating was studied by environmental corrosion test and electrochemical measurement techniques.
Corrosion resistance of zinc impregnation and dacromet coating was studied by environmental corrosion test and electrochemical measurement techniques.