But a number of things can reduce test anxiety and increase your performance on test day.
A common problem, test anxiety occurs before, during or after an academic test or other evaluation for school or work.
Lack of preparation can cause test anxiety or make it worse, but for many people test anxiety occurs regardless of preparation or knowledge of the material.
SIAN BEILOCK: "What we showed is that for students who are highly test-anxious, who'd done our writing intervention, all of a sudden there was no relationship between test anxiety and performance."
The present study assumes that(1) Chinese EFL learners of high school experience listening anxiety in their listening comprehension test, and(2) the effect of listening test methods on them.
CONCLUSION: the test anxiety has gender difference of which reason may be because of the cognition of the pressure from school and society and the self-negative cognition induced by test pressure.
Serious test anxiety is very dangerous, so it is necessary to find some effective approaches to reduce test anxiety.
The data reveal: oral test anxiety has negative effect on oral proficiency performance in evaluative situations and usually females have higher oral test anxiety.
Perhaps test anxiety doesn't come from the actual questions sitting in front of us, but rather the fact that these standardized test scores can be life altering.
For example, "a test of anxiety" would generally be clearer than "elevated plus-maze test" in an abstract unless the journal was specifically targeted to behavioral researchers.
Using statistical analysis, the present research proves that test performance in the CET-SET has a negative relationship with test anxiety.
More importantly, parents should not give them the pressure at this time, but to help children relieve test anxiety, test anxiety in order to solve the problem of insomnia.
The results are: cognition training can decrease the state test anxiety of the Type C, Type A , Type S and increase the test performance of Type C, Type P.
It is important for school to prevent from test anxiety when it is in the non-test seasons.
Sucrose preference test and forced swim test(FST) were used to evaluate depression-like behaviors, while open field and elevated plus-maze(EPM) were used to evaluate anxiety-like behaviors.
Sucrose preference test and forced swim test(FST) were used to evaluate depression-like behaviors, while open field and elevated plus-maze(EPM) were used to evaluate anxiety-like behaviors.