Poultry samples have been sent for testing at an external laboratory.
The laboratory has two matrices capable of testing 40 radios.
After environmental testing, the sensor will go to the Air Force Research Laboratory for further evaluation.
In response to a request from the Ministry of Health, WHO is providing technical support, particularly in the area of laboratory testing.
Laboratory testing for the study is underway.
'not every case or death is subject to complete laboratory testing, or may not even come to medical attention,' he says.
In line with WHO recommendations, confirmatory testing in a laboratory affiliated with the Ministry of Health was arranged.
Laboratory testing in Ukraine has confirmed pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in samples taken from patients in two of the most affected regions.
乌克兰对从受影响最严重两个地区的患者身上抽取的样本进行了实验室检测,确认为h1n 1流感大流行病毒。
Laboratory testing to confirm human infection with H5N1 avian influenza is technically difficult; some tests produce inconclusive or unreliable results.
That day, a laboratory technician was testing specimens taken from the eyes of people with bacterial conjunctivitis who had been given an antibiotic eye drop containing fluoroquinolone.
Cases of H1N1 flu confirmed by laboratory testing have been reported in more than 208 countries and overseas territories, the WHO said Wednesday, and at least 12,220 people have died.
世卫组织周三说,已有超过208个国家和地区报告了经实验室检测证实的甲型H1N 1流感病例。陈冯富珍说,至少有12,220人死于这一疾病。
The quality of laboratory testing at Turkey's National Influenza Centre in Ankara is high.
Dynamic Fuels has been making jet fuel for testing by the Air Force Research Laboratory.
Health care workers seeing a patient suspected to have Lassa fever should immediately contact local and national experts for advice and to arrange for laboratory testing.
No formal testing has been performed by the IBM development laboratory.
The sentinel surveillance system was designed so surveillance and laboratory testing for other etiologies of neurological infection could be incorporated.
Additional testing in a WHO collaborating laboratory may produce inconclusive or only weakly positive results.
Four cases have been confirmed to have been caused by wild poliovirus type 1 and laboratory testing continues.
Current laboratory testing suggests that the level of reduced susceptibility is moderate.
As a precaution, samples have been taken and will be sent for H5N1 testing at a WHO collaborating laboratory in the United Kingdom.
Laboratory testing, contact tracing, and investigation of cases are disruptive and resource-intensive measures, raising questions about sustainability.
The HAIL-SS technology, integrated after a successful transition from laboratory testing, is part of an effort to enhance the management of alerts while maintaining situational awareness capabilities.
When conducting drug testing on laboratory mice, it's often useful to image the internal organs of the animals in detail.
The clinical features of the animal and its availability for observation and laboratory testing.
If a tick is infected (determined by testing at a proficient laboratory) and the tick is engorged, infection by Lyme disease spirochetes is highly likely and treatment may be seriously considered.
Three cases of acute flaccid paralysis have been reported in Uzbekistan on the Tajikistan border; poliovirus has not been isolated yet in laboratory testing.
Three cases of acute flaccid paralysis have been reported in Uzbekistan on the Tajikistan border; poliovirus has not been isolated yet in laboratory testing.