The estimates are based on reading information, such as in emails, text messages, on the internet or in publications, as well as what we see and hear on the television and radio.
When he saw that the internet was switching from a text-based to a graphical medium, “I sensed that everything was going to change, ” he says.
When he saw that the internet was switching from a text-based to a graphical medium, “I sensed that everything was going to change,” he says.
The experience of India shows that in places where voice calls are expensive and Internet connections rare, entrepreneurs gravitate to text-based messaging.
When I got a decent Internet connection, I started playing a text-based multi-user game all in English.
Text classification can help users selectively process huge volumes of texts in the Internet. Text title classification based on example texts is presented in this paper.
A new transmission method of the Chinese character text information based on the picture solves the communication security problem of the information transmission at Internet.
Web page classification was one of the hot study problems in the domain of Internet Search currently. Now there were the classifiers based on text and the hyperlinks.
The Chinese text visualization based on concept is put forward in this paper, and it can help users browse the more and more Internet online text resources.
In the text, the writer puts forward a video surveillance system based on cable Internet protocol (IP), and analyzes the feasibility of the technical and installation program.
The text introduced the searching of information and data that can be used on water treatment scientific research on the Internet and cooperative study based on Internet.
When he saw that the internet was switching from a text-based to a graphical medium, "I sensed that everything was going to change, " he says.
When he saw that the internet was switching from a text-based to a graphical medium, "I sensed that everything was going to change, " he says.