By putting text inside of the link and moving it off the screen with text-indent in CSS, you get the benefit of usability without having the text overlay on top of the image.
Another way of hiding the H1 element is to move it out of the browser viewport using the style text-indent: — 999em so that the text remains within the flow of the document.
隐藏h1元素的另一种方法是,使用样式text - indent:——999em将它移动到浏览器窗口之外,这样的话文本仍然留在文档流中,但是用户看不见它。
Using notepaper or a simple text file on your laptop or tablet, indent the pages of your notes in from the left margin.
The usage of BLOCKQUOTE to indent text is deprecated in favor of style sheets.
Defines the hanging indent of the currently selected text.
The anchor text is given a 50-pixel indent so that it is not sitting directly over the arrow in the background image.
锚文本具有50 像素的缩进,这样它就不会直接盖在背景图像中的箭头上。
The anchor text is given a 50-pixel indent so that it is not sitting directly over the arrow in the background image.
锚文本具有50 像素的缩进,这样它就不会直接盖在背景图像中的箭头上。