The 155-page American edition of the book packs the intellectual heft of a much longer text.
While it only changes about 5% of the text of the last edition (1984), the changes are significant, and it almost reads like a new translation.
Really the atmosphere of a variorum scholarly edition is an atmosphere of take your choice, not a kind of tyrannical imposition on the public of a particular version of the text.
Although it may be hard to see in this photocopied edition of the text, the input that the user types appears in blue, as it does on the display when you run this program.
Omnifind Enterprise Edition 8.4 ships with a powerful text analysis module that can be configured to detect a wide variety of concepts in processed documents.
OmnifindEnterpriseEdition 8.4附带一个强大的文本分析模块,可以通过配置这个模块在处理的文档中检测许多概念。
The sixth edition appeared in 1997 and Barry and his publishers felt that it was again time to bring the text up to date.
LAST summer I produced the eighth edition of my undergraduate microeconomics text and thought about what I could say about the financial crisis from a micro point of view.
Last year I listed them, and there were not that many people that had the First Edition of the text.
You may use any modern edition, either of the Complete Works or of the individual plays as your reading text.
This online text has now been superseded by publication of the Tenth Edition of the Merck Veterinary Manual in September 2010, and may contain inaccurate or outdated information.
IBM OmniFind enterprise Edition is a full-text enterprise search product designed to provide superior performance, scale, and result quality with a broad range of data source support.
I have followed principally the text of Westcott and Hort, comparing it with Tischendorf's eighth edition, and commonly adopting any reading in which the two agree.
This is the full text of the 1989 second edition, which consolidates the original OED, all the supplementary volumes and additional new material.
This second edition includes new material which puts the original text in a contemporary context.
Endocrinology edition: Text with Continually Updated Online Reference, 3-Volume Set, 5e.
But you can see from the text that you have in your Hughes editions — - or any edition, any printed edition now — the speech continues in the version of the mask that we have.
Consumer Edition features searchable full text for nearly 150 journals.
This paper puts forward an accurate method of calculating light maximum visible range and gives suggestion on compiling List of Light (Chinese edition) and navigational text-book.
This revised and extended new edition retains the features that made the first edition (Churchill Livingstone, 1993) such a popular text for pediatricians and primary care physicians.
The text mainly criticizes two problems about JIAO' s Yi Lin, author ownership and edition. I hope they can make some basical work for the new century JIAO' s Yi Lin study .
Or how about we include it but add some text that says "This item didn't increase the cost and is completely additional to the actual real Collector's Edition items."
This text refers to the Paperback edition.
This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
The new edition of this popular clinical text describes the application of traditional Chinese medical theory to the diagnosis and treatment of up to 48 diseases, conditions and disorders.
Is it mean edition put space of picture and text any in vain to staying in planar design, it is an "empty special technique of expression".
This elegant gift edition reprints the full text of Machiavelli's memorable book and two additional essays.
This elegant gift edition reprints the full text of Machiavelli's memorable book and two additional essays.