I think text messaging actually sort of has to do with your age.
Consumers are increasingly using their phones for things other than voice calls, such as text messaging, downloading songs and games, and accessing the Internet.
As is banning text messaging for all drivers.
T-Text messaging - Is your library using it yet?
t- Text messaging(短信)你的图书馆已经开始利用短信了吗?
It also offers group text messaging and video chat.
SMS text messaging: 8.1 million users, 35% increase.
The two men who got a $26k bill trying to set a text messaging record
想用拿到一张26 000美金账单打破短信发送记录的两名男子
I'm not talking about calling you or text messaging you on your phone.
Text messaging is one of the most popular communication methods in the world.
Market research shows that text messaging soars after predictive text becomes available.
Besides whittling my three Numbers down to one, Voice offers free text messaging online.
In fact, Friday was the second biggest text messaging day of the year, behind only New year's.
Readers, how has text messaging affected the quality of communication in your family, if at all?
读者们,短信如何影响了你的家庭沟通质量? 还是一点影响也没有?
The split attention of back-and-forth text messaging, while playing with our child - that's extra.
陪孩子玩耍时,分散注意力来回的收发短信- - -多余。
Movirtu's concept is similar, only it involves phone services, like text messaging, voicemail and calls.
Think about the times you made a request of someone using voicemail, e-mail, or text messaging to convey it.
After QQ, there is another, perhaps more widespread, messaging trend. You guessed it: cellphone text messaging.
A postgraduate in the UK has been awarded what is thought to be the country's first doctorate in text messaging.
But text messaging, micro-blogging on "Twitter" and watching YouTube were all likely to weaken "working memory".
但是文本信息,微型博客t witter和观看YouTube都可能会削弱“工作记忆”。
The study further solidifies what we've known for some time - teens are heavy-duty users of text messaging services.
AT&T says it will work -- voice calls, text messaging, e-mail, and Internet -- in over 200 countries around the world.
It will support email, web browsing and text messaging, and users will be able to make calls using a Bluetooth headset.
Heavy users of cellphones might want to use headsets, speaker phones or text messaging to keep the device at a distance.
Text messaging is a popular activist tool because in most countries around the globe, people have access to it and know how to use it.
Text messaging, with its use of phonetic spelling and little or no punctuation, seems to pose a threat to traditional conventions in writing.
When possible, communicate via text messaging rather than making a call, to limit the duration of exposure and the proximity to the body.
When possible, communicate via text messaging rather than making a call, to limit the duration of exposure and the proximity to the body.