LIWC compares a text sample to its dictionary and, within seconds, provides a readout of how many words appear in each category.
The results show that it has better performance than the other three classifier on the standard text sample set, and it has some superiority...
The results show that it has better performance than the other three classifier on the standard text sample set, and it has some superiority on small set of samples.
A careful reading of the text reveals that most of the firstborn children in the sample were from single-parent homes in which the father was absent.
Listing 1 shows the sample code for a text box definition.
During development of the annotator, you might want to test it out on some sample text.
Depending on your specific platform and setup, the above sample will probably be presented in a text viewer that allows scrolling, searching, and so on, and with some highlighting of keywords.
Create a line for each with sample text to be cut and pasted into the UI.
If a full sample of data has not been read, only the most recent text is printed to the screen.
Take a sample of unencoded text, count how many times specific letters appear in the text, and sort the letters in order from most to least frequent.
A training sample needs to be pure text, extracted from a sample document of the category in question.
To add the new WSDL to the system, copy the sample description into the text entry box.
Listing 11. Sample text from hwconfig file.
Then, reads in either the text input, or the sample data provided at the end of the script, and checks to see if comments were obtained at all.
然后,stat - comments . pl读入文本输入或脚本末尾处提供的样本数据,并进行检查以判断注释是否被完全获取。
Instead of creating the dictionary from scratch using frequent terms, use the sample it_skills dictionary from the text analysis sample project.
Specify the edit mode configuration data of the sample widget in a text area, which indicates a configuration option labeled as Warning Message text, as shown in Listing 5.
You then import the analysis engine in Design Studio and create a flow using it on sample text documents that are located in a database table.
The application gathers a textual summary from the user, as well as the full blog post, which is comprised of rich text markup (XHTML). Here's a sample of the editing interface.
For example, Figure 11 illustrates that the built-in OCR in Robot is not able to detect the text with the original Reflection for IBM internal sample, which has a dark background and blue text.
Listing 2 shows its output with the sample text.
This method reads sample business process steps from an external text file and adds a new activity diagram to the model that was passed as a parameter.
Consider the sample of styled text shown in Figure 5.
The sample data and all updates shown in this article are available for download as a text file in the Download section.
可以通过下载 下载部分中的文本文件获得本文使用的示例数据和所有更新。
Listing 1 shows a simple paragraph sample with some emphasized text.
In the sample, you used transport level security because the password would otherwise be in clear text.
In the sample application we show four items, a label, a drop-down list, an image, and a text box.
For example, Listing 4 shows how to use it to harvest all the words from the sample text of Listing 1.
A code sample below illustrates how you could set the contents of a JMS text message.
In the sample, we used transport-level security because the password was in clear text.
Listing 2 shows the sample code used to transfer an XML document to a text, based on the XSL file saved on a specific path.