Efforts led by peers may work better than those led by teachers. Programs that focus on teaching practical skills (how to avoid peer pressure, for instance) are more successful than scare tactics.
That means too that as we focus on teaching digital citizenship and providing online resources, that we cannot ignore what is happening offline as well.
The research also highlights a perception amongst alumni that the teaching style of the MBA is too theoretical and that there needs to be a greater focus on practical application.
Focus on your scientific teaching, avoid politics in any way—only people who can't do science play that game," he adds.
In the paper, the author points out that College English teaching should focus on how to train students' learning ability, especially ability of autonomous learning.
The focus of this study is that how to change the status of effective teaching practice and insist on the principle of the validity of effective teaching in the process of implementation.
The Lexical Approach is a new emerging teaching theory which based on the ideas that English teaching should focus on application.
The research mainly focus on the problem that the physics experiments break through the teaching difficulties.
As a result, as far as I am concerned, its highly commanded that we should focus more on penetrating the teaching of permutation and combination into mathematical thinking.
This thesis suggests that the implementation of competency - Based education should be placed on three aspects: first, focus the teaching design on the training of competency;
In Middle School P. E. teaching, the focus of 400-metre race training should be put on speed and endurance, that is, on how to lengthen the duration of speed summit.
Some trainers argue that teaching a dog to lie down before you take it to the sheep can teach it to focus its attention on you rather than the sheep.
Some trainers argue that teaching a dog to lie down before you take it to the sheep can teach it to focus its attention on you rather than the sheep.