50% of poor parents say it is extremely important to them that their children earn a college degree, compared with 39% of wealthier parents.
A recent survey of 500 tech-savvy consumers found that 39% hadn't heard of telemedicine, and of those who haven't used it, 42% said they preferred in-person doctor visits.
A 2006 study found that 61% of Dutch women in work are part-time; in Germany it is only 39%.
Whether that means it must therefore return to 39% in 2013 as now scheduled, Mr Obama’s stated preference, or whether it should be allowed to remain at 35% is unclear.
People offered the banknote believed, on average, that they could use it to buy 83 paperclips, 72 napkins or 46 sweets. Those offered the coin thought 39 paperclips, 51 napkins or 27 sweets.
Click the Add button to create the view and edit the content so that it matches Listing 8-39.
点击“添加”按钮生成这个视图,并编辑其内容使之与清单8 -39吻合。
It is very rare that Drogba requires more than one clear chance to find the target and he proved the point when breaking the deadlock on 39 minutes.
One study compared diet and cancer rates in 42 counties. It showed that milk and cheese consumption are strongly correlated to the incidence of testicular cancer among men ages 20 to 39.
Asking the right question is so important that the British competition authorities have a 39-page guide on how to do it.
Whether that means it must therefore return to 39% in 2013 as now scheduled, Mr Obama's stated preference, or whether it should be allowed to remain at 35% is unclear.
Two parts whose drawing coefficient are 0. 39 passed through testing to production. It proved that taper female die is used up in deep drawing.
The revenue of Bird fell 39%, moreover, it is reported that K-touch also had suffered the loss in the first half of 2008.
But in general, it's thought that breast milk can be refrigerated at 39 degrees Fahrenheit for as long as five to eight days, though it should ideally be used within two or three days.
We deserved our 39 points but now it seems that we made them thanks to the nine penalties we were allowed.
We deserved our 39 points but now it seems that we made them thanks to the nine penalties we were allowed.