What's particularly interesting about DD-WRT is that the user interface is excellent.
关于DD - WRT特别有趣的就是用户界面非常出色。
The short explanation for this is that the user interface provides a view of the system from the system perspective.
A common gripe I hear from developers is that a game has a really great concept or aesthetic, but that the user interface (UI) is lousy.
If you install another version of Eclipse, you may find that the user interface — and therefore, the steps — differ from those in this article.
Probably the most common piece of feedback we receive about defined names is that the user interface we provide to manage names is inadequate.
And there is talk that the user interface in the new Windows will use 3-d graphics, though similar predictions have been made about Windows before without coming true.
Contemporary software design often begins with the assumption that the user interface will consist of a series of overlapping Windows, without modes, informed by a global metaphor.
The solution: correct your console class so that the user interface portion is separated out, a la MVC, so that the model can be used for either a console program or a GUI program.
That means you need to modify the user interface.
The locale is a parameter defining the language that should be used in the application's user interface.
The second type is to test the way that the application's user interface displays each of the languages.
You also learned about the user interface that the te offers and how to navigate it.
Refers to the graphical user interface (GUI) that interactively performs the migration.
Presentation services are executed in the presentation services Node that is tasked with running the user interface.
The fewer bytes that are downloaded, the faster the user interface displays and reacts to user input.
Changing the labels and text that appear in the user interface so that they are appropriate and familiar to the employees and customers that use it.
The GUI test tests the software that supports the graphical user interface to ensure it meets the required specifications in FRS.
GUI测试用于测试支持图形用户界面的软件,确保软件满足 FRS中要求的规范。
It is the binding that responds to user interface queries and exchanges those selections through the submission model to the server.
The JSP file is the file that provides the HTML user interface when you create your plug-in.
The major changes that relate to the user interface are.
More specifically, we mean the application code that implements the user interface (UI) and business logic (and how to get access to the data).
In addition, these modifications include changing the user interface of the Classic Registry so that it can serve as the user interface for the advanced search function also.
The CSS file (BankTeller.css) contains the CSS rules that are applied to the user interface elements of this browser application.
css文件(BankTeller . css)包含应用于这个浏览器应用程序的用户界面元素的css规则。
This completes the code that is necessary to produce the user interface for creating the feed.
Compartmentalize the Ajax code that connects to the server from the DHTML user interface (UI) components that render the data.
So, the only way in which we know that your code works is through the user interface.
By creating tests that exercise the user interface itself, developers can test the maximum amount of code with the fewest number of tests.
Dynamic verification points raise the appropriate user interface the next time that the script is played back.
Everybody knows that the Macintosh has an elegant user interface, right?
Everybody knows that the Macintosh has an elegant user interface, right?