Remember you suggested altering the spring tension?That was good thinking—it solved the problem immediately.
Remember you suggested altering the spring tension? That was good thinking -it solved the problem immediately.
After a week of "saluting the Sun" I got so bored with this routine that I almost felt sick when I was thinking about it and of course it didn't make me feel any good.
There is good reason for thinking that Locke was a Unitarian. I have seen it argued that Milton was.
But thinking about holidays reminded me that I needed a new swimsuit, so I popped on to a few shopping sites to see if there was anything good left in the sales.
Finally Fillmore made a move toward her and she, probably thinking that he was going to give her another good cuff, took it on a trot down the street.
I am sure she thought I was crazy, but then she must have realized that I was thinking, "It's a good thing your father isn't here!"
It was a pure game until that moment, it was 11 against 11, two good teams tactically thinking a lot about the game, not many mistakes, not many chances but an open game.
That person may have acted sincerely in good faith, thinking what he said or did was helpful to a person or situation.
One day he was surprised to observe that he had of late insensibly fallen into the habit of thinking a good deal in a pensive sort of way about Ida and those German days.
I was thinking that we could go in February. Does that sound good?
If the breakup was your decision, keep in mind that only thinking about all the good times you had with your partner may cause you to forget the reasons why you broke it off.
Actually, your I before soon was thinking that may bid good-bye or cut off the relations, respectively draws back one step, will not have the boundless word.
It hurt a little, but that hurt was good, for it inspired us to keep thinking of a way to make money.
You talk about content for me is a really good thing to do, but my heart is not think so, my mind was thinking 'how to do that'.
It was so good that the king was fooled into thinking that it was another person following him.
I couldn't sleep that night, I was thinking about home, Mom, and my girlfriend, work was pretty good, and my life was calm, why am I here? I thought a lot of an answer until I felt asleep.
Deng: That episode looks bad, but in the final analysis, it was also a good thing. Because it set people thinking and helped to identify our failings.
And you might be thinking that it was good luck, but it wasn't.
Edison was born in America. When he was a child, many people thought that he was not good, in fact, he was full of thinking.
Their daddy saw that. He was very pleased with what Kong Rong did, thinking that this little son is just 4 years old but already thoughtful enough to keep good things for others.
But that's not the reason I hated the comeback - I hated it because for 12 months people conned themselves into thinking that looking like a human Kong toy was a good idea.
But that's not the reason I hated the comeback - I hated it because for 12 months people conned themselves into thinking that looking like a human Kong toy was a good idea.