The only time that we attempted to do something like that was in the city of Philadelphia.
I was the only person on deck at that time of night.
We were in the same college, which was male-only at that time.
It was only as she tried for the second time that she realized that there was no dialling tone.
The levers and light were set up in exactly the same way except that this time it was only Doris who could see the light indicating which lever to press first.
At the time, it was only an educated guess that this so-called dazzle camouflage would work.
The researchers conclude that electronic communication was the only adolescent activity that increased at the same time psychological wellbeing declined.
For almost the only time in his life that I know of, Peter was afraid.
Indeed, the purple colour extracted from a snail was once so costly that in society at the time only the rich could afford it.
I was only nine years old at that time.
These animals were able to break away from the rope whenever they wanted, but it was only because over time, they believed that it was just impossible.
"At that time the only way to prevent polio was to invent a vaccine," said Gu.
I always planned the week's meals ahead of time and only bought what was on my shopping list so that nothing went to waste.
By the time I got there, I realized I had been fooled because I was the only one that was wearing a costume.
It was the only time, in our many conversations, that he displayed such emotion.
That was in 1865, at a time when people only dreamed about space travel.
Only think of that my dear; he actually danced with her twice; and she was the only creature in the room that he asked a second time.
The last time that happened was 14 years ago - and only 10 were issued.
Only after all that time was able to excel at stripping the aged wine aroma and taste coordinated harmony is so fascinating and difficult to replace.
Note that the only other time that the lines separate in this graph was once again when the phone was put on the charger and topped up to 100%.
I did tell her that when Thatcher was elected it was only a matter of time before we began to see profound change.
The only other time that happened was when there was sort of talk of their losing their tax exemptions and tax rates were going down.
For that reason, it was only a matter of time until the technologies of the network would reinforce this natural tendency, and accelerate it.
Perhaps sensing there was no time for that, he focused only on the work.
Which proves that not only is time "warp-able", but Einstein was arguably the greatest thinker the world has ever seen.
That was the only time I ever heard him yell at her.
This is something that would have terrified me four years ago, but was only a mild fear at that time.
I remember that this was the only time throughout my boyhood when a beating actually reduced me to tears, and curiously enough I was not even now crying because of the pain.
That time it was allowed to take pictures of freelance workers only.
"It was hard for me to believe," she recalls. "at that time, it was thought that humans, and only humans, used and made tools."