And it really is only visceral obesity - the amount of fat that you carrying around in the belly - and that really is the type of fat that is the bad fat.
If an alarm gives you that feeling of security, then it's worth carrying.
It is very unnerving to find out that someone you see every day is carrying a potentially deadly virus.
Once kids started carrying book bags, that bulky traditional lunch box was hard to fit inside."But you can't just throw a sandwich in a backpack ," Jayasekara says.
For those tests that you can't run, or don't have time to run, do you have a view of the risk that you are carrying?
A. My first reaction is to suggest you simply get the portable, small, personal Sirius radio that is meant for carrying on your person. It's called the Stiletto 2 and costs around $300.
You definitely gain the convenience of carrying around a device that weighs less than a single textbook, but you lose the ability to buy used and resell.
Accepting that it rains allows you to cope with the weather by carrying an umbrella or raincoat, so it is no longer a problem.
In the same way that carrying a camera sharpens your eye, knowing that you can communicate your clever apercus makes you more observant and wittier.
He wasn't there that night, he didn't see you carrying her inside.
But, you also can't ignore that buying both would cost $640 and require carrying both devices.
"Did you ever wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill.
You don’t need to be carrying around so much shit that you need a “man purse” or “man satchel”.
It is safe to say that almost every hour you will pass a native Nepalese carrying four times the size of your pack with one-eighth the difficulty.
You will feel lighter when you not responsible for carrying around everything that you think you might need.
You see her at almost every rally in Washington, chanting slogans and carrying signs that demand equal rights for women.
You did not have to be a card-carrying intellectual to think that Azusa Street was a flash in the pan.
So what burdens are you are carrying mentally that keep you from being present in the moment to your family, to your friends, to yourself?
Take literature you know you'll read from companies you're interested in.Otherwise your arm will ache carrying around all that stuff.
Take literature you know you'll read from companies you're interested in. Otherwise your arm will ache carrying around all that stuff.
But in some of you that longing is a torrent rushing with might to the sea, carrying the secrets of the hillsides and the songs of the forest.
You are to understand, Miss Bennet, that I came here with the determined resolution of carrying my purpose; nor will I be dissuaded from it.
Be aware that if the train you are on is also carrying dangerous or combustible materials, you will need to avoid these as you make your escape.
Consider carrying a card that lists your blood type, any chronic illnesses or serious allergies and the generic names of prescription medicines you take.
Those of you who follow messages that you have found reliable and carrying the energy of Love and Light, will have foreknowledge of what is occurring.
Those of you who follow messages that you have found reliable and carrying the energy of Love and Light, will have foreknowledge of what is occurring.