In western countries, there is the case law to minimize the abuse of discretion to the highest extent.
In conclusion it puts forward that an Administrative Procedure Code should be made to meet the demand of contorting the abuse of Administrative Discretion.
And uniform judicial interpretation of a judge discretion in a way that led to the discretion of the hidden operation, abuse of discretion for the judge to provide the space.
The existence of administrative discretion has its necessity, but also has the possibility of abuse, it is necessary to control it.
In the case of abuse of the administrative discretion, it should be harmed the legitimate rights and interests of "executive relative".
Prosecutor's indictment discretion is not exactly same as the abuse of public prosecution and discretion may be abused.
For example, applying this principle may lead to the avoidance of specific of legal norms easily, make possible abuse of discretion, also may cause excessive restriction on the right.
But seemed from the power itself, the attribute - "freedom" make the abuse of the power of discretion in administration possible.
However, the agility of the administrative discretion easily causes the abuse of the administrative discretion.
However, the agility of the administrative discretion easily causes the abuse of the administrative discretion.