Provides the additional benefit of hardware redundancy.
The additional benefit is their familiarity could produce more natural results.
It also had the additional benefit of allowing work to be reused and consumed by other applications and tools.
This feature provides the additional benefit of decreased response time without losing the capability of the diverter.
Text elements are similar to Labels, with the additional benefit of being able to display multi-line, highly formatted HTML.
By not exposing a setter method, the code is more concise and also provides the additional benefit of enforcing immutability.
By placing SQL commands in a script file, you gain the additional benefit of being able to execute the commands as many times as necessary.
Heap Sort has the additional benefit of being quite consistent in its speed, so it is useful in programs where timing is crucial (i. e. networks).
Strong domestic scientific societies have the additional benefit of being reference points for constructive contact with scientists and societies elsewhere.
This code is very similar to what you might see in a functional programming language, with the additional benefit that it's automatically executed in parallel.
Once you've stabilized which filters and classes to include, there's a negligible cost for running FindBugs, with the additional benefit that it detects new bugs.
The additional benefit of lowering salt consumption early is that we can hopefully change the expectations of how food should taste, ideally to something slightly less salty.
The introduction of deep tube Wells to reduce arsenic in drinking water in rural Bangladesh had the additional benefit of lowering the incidence of diarrhoea among young children.
Moving away from highly expensive and vulnerable supercarriers toward smaller, light carriers would bring the additional benefit of increasing our nation’s engagement potential.
The asynchronous model has the additional benefit that it offers performance advantages in high transaction rate systems because the decoupled requests and responses can be batched.
By including consulting it architects from product and service vendors in the COE for the duration of the engagements, Acme gets the additional benefit of expert knowledge and expertise.
Overall, the Web services Gateway solution provides a framework for invoking Web services between both Internet and Intranet environments with the additional benefit of WS-Security protection.
In most data farms, using a remote terminal server, KVM, or even Serial Over LAN is the best way to view this information; it also provides the additional benefit of out-of-band viewing capabilities.
One study has calculated that the lifetime benefit to the local economy for a single additional student who completes high school is half a million dollars or more.
The benefit is twofold: you won't have the annoyance or the additional heat that comes with ironing.
The logs can be used in a run-time environment to evaluate the real benefit of caching, and during development time, can be an additional tool for debugging.
It analyzes the query and recommends additional indexes that would benefit the query access.
The benefit is additional error checking by a compiler.
These will be the first of as many as 120 additional villages that will benefit from the project and will compliment similar efforts by other donors.
By looking at real business benefits achieved, you can quickly find the departments that would benefit most from additional automation and increase their funding to appropriate levels.
But the marked improvement in the tai chi group suggests an additional benefit from tai chi.
Rather than assuming this additional work "will help the next project," we suggest that the work be left to the project that it will benefit.
Rather than assuming this additional work "will help the next project," we suggest that the work be left to the project that it will benefit.