The bigger issue is that the FDA's problem-ridden Adverse Event Reporting System isn't a systematic measure of how often drugs really cause side effects.
One patient relapsed; the adverse events were described as "mild" and not a result of the combination therapy, they were known effects of the individual drugs.
They also note: "Low-dose therapy has the advantage of reducing adverse effects that… are strongly dose related… Using more than two drugs in combination also would increase efficacy".
Anaphylaxis is one of the most common and harmful of all adverse effects of drugs.
Therefore, additional studies on the adverse cardiac effects of dopaminergic drugs in prolactinoma are warranted, especially in patients with much longer use of these drugs.
Methods: the using of hypotensive drugs and their adverse effects in 955 patients with primary hypertension were retrospectively analyzed.
To assess the effects of drugs given routinely with snake antivenom to prevent adverse effects.
The treatment can also counter the adverse effects of some of the drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease, including Levodopa, which can cause freezing during movement.
It has been suggested that most of theophyllines adverse effects are due to the drugs nonselective PDE-inhibitory actions.
However, the exact mechanism of promoting bone formation has not been very clearly yet. Moreover, their adverse effects and their interaction with other drugs still need further clinical trials.
We also aimed to evaluate possible adverse effects associated with the different drugs and their influence on survival and quality of life.
Depression may play a role in weight gain through interference with the endocrine system or due to adverse effects of antidepressant drugs.
Therapeutic effects of various drugs are concentrated in antipyretic, analgesic, antitussive and adverse reactions occurred mainly in the nervous system and digestive system.
Targeted drug delivery can significantly increase the concentration of the drug in treatment site, and decrease the dosage of drugs, cost of treatment and the drug's adverse effects on the body.
Targeted drug delivery can significantly increase the concentration of the drug in treatment site, and decrease the dosage of drugs, cost of treatment and the drug's adverse effects on the body.