S. central bank has kept interest rates at historically-low levels and sought ways to pump money into the ailing economy.
Obama insisted Tuesday that his massive budget proposal is moving the nation down the right path and will help the ailing economy grow again.
The rise in overseas sales is good news for the ailing American economy.
This deal would offer the best possible pick-me-up to the town's ailing economy.
Stock markets in Asia have followed the downward trend set by Wall Street as fears mount over the state of the ailing global economy.
Whereas many Japanese businesses are ailing because of the stagnant domestic economy, Fast Retailing is flourishing.
The ailing health of Venezuela's economy, and of Mr Chávez, has caused Mr Ortega to look for allies in the private sector.
The idea, Goldman says, was for Mr Smith to promote US equity derivatives to European clients hungry to diminish their exposure to the ailing eurozone economy.
Now Hollande is being forced to admit that there is no magic wand to reinvigorate the ailing French economy.
Increasing liquidity by expanding the money supply is his drug of choice to prescribe to an ailing economy.
The most-ailing financial institutions won't be forced to lend immediately, but healthier banks will be under pressure to move money from their vaults into the economy.
The most-ailing financial institutions won't be forced to lend immediately, but healthier banks will be under pressure to move money from their vaults into the economy.