The analytical solution is derived for strong shock.
By using the q-exponential function and q-logarithm function, the analytical solution of the equation is derived.
But for the general optimal control for nonlinear systems with time-delay, the analytical solution does not exist.
When solving different ordinary differential equations, we may take the analytical solution or numerical solution.
The planar diode is calculated by means of MCM and compared with the analytical solution. The relative error is 0.8%.
This paper studied a four-layer Kerr-type nonlinear slab-guided optical mode(TE mode) and obtained the analytical solution.
Arbitrary initial pore-water pressure distributions and flux boundary conditions are considered in the analytical solution.
Finally, the analytical solution of the dynamic response of anchorage chamber is shown to make appropriate project proposal.
There were two situations as follows: as the supply curve was linear, the analytical solution was presented by implementing;
The analytical solution to the basic equations of the composite lattice flat shell simply supported at its perimeter is given.
The numerical solution and the analytical solution were compared, absolute errors as well as reasons of the errors were analyzed.
This paper solves the analytical solution for a simple three-directional electric cell models and some good results are obtained.
The Analytical Solution of G. I. Taylor's Theory of Plastic Deformation in impact of Cylindrical Projectiles and its Improvement.
Numerical result of thermal deformation of the solar array on the Hubble Space Telescope agrees well with the analytical solution.
By a comparison of the result with that of the analytical solution, the computational error of the numerical solution is discussed.
The solution with this scheme for the tide in a uniform rectangular gulf is obtained and is consistent with the analytical solution.
The analytical results are compared with those obtained from the numerical simulation, indicating that the analytical solution is reasonable.
The analytical solution for the stability of cantilevered beam-columns is presented, and the design interaction formula for it is established.
In the mobile boundary point by solving the analytical solution and numerical solution contrastive method, reduce the computational difficulty.
On the other hand, in order to demonstrate the convergence of the numerical solution to the analytical solution of the problem, an example is given.
In this paper, the analytical solution of massive concrete temperature field of one dimension in stratifying construction of large bridge is presented.
Applying the analytical solution to analyze the passing capacity, the result indicates that the over taking rate influences the passing capacity, which is .
The analytical solution for bending of orthotropic rectangular cantilever plates is investigated by use of Stockes transformation of double variable function.
The near crack line analysis method is used to investigate an eccentric crack loaded by shear forces in a finite plate, and the analytical solution are obtained.
Transmission properties of TE wave in the nonlinear Kerr media plate with M layers have been discussed and the analytical solution of waveguide mode is also given.
Then the analytical solution is obtained for transversely isotropic multi-layered elastic subgrade under arbitrary loadings by means of transferring matrix method.
The results show that the analytical solution and test results do not agree well, but can be used to judge validity of numerical simulation results by qualitative.
Corresponding to the mathematical characteristics of the analytical solution, the physical implication and the fluctuation rule of groundwater level are discussed.
A pressure drop model in horizontal well was established on the basis of the analytical solution of an elastic and unsteady seepage flow model in infinite reservoir.
A pressure drop model in horizontal well was established on the basis of the analytical solution of an elastic and unsteady seepage flow model in infinite reservoir.