Especially since the answer was wrong, it was very nice for Molly to acknowledge our attempt to help her daughter with some math homework.
If someone maintained that yoga was the answer toabsolutely everything that was wrong in the world, I didn’t questionthat.
And you may have had the following strange experience. You listed, you weighed, you calculated the answer — and, in a flash of insight, you realised it was the wrong one.
It was at that point the scientists realized that the wrong question wasbeing asked—or rather, the answer didn’t fit the question.
Although some would like to believe it was paranormal activity or an alien spaceship, the most likely answer to the cause of the mysterious light seems to be a Russian missile test gone wrong.
I thought my answer was wrong, but I guess I hit it on the nose.
She was completely out of breath, and when she got the answer to the next question wrong, she said, Ok, let's go got it one more time.
Once you've made the mistake of giving a wrong answer to a loaded question, even if it was years ago, even if you've apologized, you better believe you haven't heard about it for the last time.
I thought my answer was right, but the result showed I am wrong.
He gave the answer he knew was wrong.
He gave the answer he knew was wrong.