Krill fishing in the Antarctic has worsened the pollution of the pristine waters.
Photo 7 :Swarms of krill, a cornerstone of the entire Antarctic food chain, feed on phytoplankton that grows on the underside of sea ice.
图7:成群的磷虾是整个南极动物食物链的基础。 它们以浮游生物为食,生长在海冰的上层。
When the gulf waters freeze over during the Antarctic winter, they hunt for the krill that lives underneath the ice surface.
Krill, the whales' main source of food, are threatened by higher ocean temperatures and melting sea ice around the Antarctic, which would in turn hurt the whales' chances of survival.
Other studies show that supplies of the krill-tiny Marine crustaceans-that fuel the Antarctic food chain also dropped during this period.
Other studies show that supplies of the krill-tiny Marine crustaceans-that fuel the Antarctic food chain also dropped during this period.