At times the arrogance of those in power is quite blatant.
The arrogance of the US is incredible.
The arrogance of his speech made many leave early.
But no one pays attention to the arrogance of the company.
I was really surprised at the arrogance of some of my colleagues.
The feud was excited by his sudden elevation, and the arrogance of his pretensions.
The arrogance of man is thinking nature is in our control and not the other way around…
Be careful of men who are rich; the arrogance of "rich" usually cancels out his nice, if his has.
The arrogance of big money, Mrs Astor wrote once, "is one of the most unappealing of characteristics".
They're novels that deal with the arrogance of man and the pride of man which is ultimately man's downfall.
This is the end, not just because of the arrogance of rabbit, but because of the persistence of the tortoise.
The arrogance of man will be brought low and the pride of men humbled; the Lord alone will be exalted in that day.
We Americans are blinded by the arrogance of decades of historically unparalleled power via economic growth. We are in denial.
Another historic burden Mr Obama carries in Asia is the arrogance of American officials during the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98.
[color=#000000][font=Times New Roman]The arrogance of big money, Mrs Astor wrote once, “is one of the most unappealing of characteristics”.
Given the lack of scientific evidence for its harmful effects, opponents point the finger at the arrogance of scientists who think they can tamper with nature's plan.
The ego seeks to show off its grandeur through the arrogance of all knowing and in some cases seeks to assume its rightful place by its measure against the elitist barometer.
Yet this would not be the first time that a dominant man, blinded by the habit of abuse and the arrogance of power, had thrown it all away and ruined the people unfortunate enough to cross his path.
It was a good analogy; it whizzed round the world, prompting Putin to complain of US "arrogance".
The photo was transformed into a symbol of IMF arrogance and power, and still rankles in Asia.
Team in the name of freedom, arrogance, trust - still didn't listen.
And this leads to an environmental catastrophe on a global scale, then we will really have outdone ourselves in the art of arrogance.
The downside is that earning this degree (and I have one) causes most people to develop the hollow arrogance of someone who's never been tested.
Even the most ornery MPs will tolerate remoteness and arrogance from the top of their party if the people up there are winners.
Speaking to Saul who had been king of Israel Samuel the prophet said; For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.
Speaking to Saul who had been king of Israel Samuel the prophet said; For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.