Thailand's plastic industry will continue to implement this marketing strategy, for in 2015 the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) established to seize more market share.
The establishment of the ASEAN community was proposed by Indonesia last year. The community is planned to consist of an economic community, a security community and a socio-cultural community.
The comparison seems inevitable: from its comparatively slow start in 1967, ASEAN has set itself the ambitious target of becoming an "ASEAN Economic Community" by 2015.
ASEAN has looked to the EU economic community as a model for its own economic integration plans.
Take ASEAN FTA as an example, one of the important targets of ASEAN economic community blueprint is to establish ASEAN single window system.
In 2003, ASEAN signed an agreement of creating ASEAN Economic Community in year 2020, and advanced the time to 2015 in 2007.
The ASEAN Plus Three is the main vehicle of East Asia cooperation, and China suggests that a blueprint be drawn up for achieving the goal of an East Asia Economic Community by 2020.
The new ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will further optimize Vietnam internal free circulation in aspects of capital and technology, which will also bring more foreign capital to Vietnam.
The new ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will further optimize Vietnam internal free circulation in aspects of capital and technology, which will also bring more foreign capital to Vietnam.