In the Assignation, a married woman plans to meet her fancy man when her husband goes to the exchange.
The spectra of Infrared and Raman spectrum were measured at room temperature, and the assignation of the vibrations was discussed.
At present, there is some deficiency in the salvage system of our country after the reform of the salvage system; it still needs prompt improvement, such as the assignation of the salvage stations.
There are ways of changing the drive letter assignation of the system partition, but in this scenario it 's strongly discouraged.
He says that a police officer was caught inside the garden in an improper assignation with a woman, but that the incident was hushed up.
The model predictions will be influenced by the mesh density and generation method, the material property assignation and the applied boundary conditions.
This paper first gives several classifications of load assignation, and then lays emphasis on the scheduling based on interactive graph of tasks. At last other scheduling models are introduced simply.
It includes financial profitable rights and financial controlling rights, the set of systematic arrangement of its assignation called financial governance.
The intention of this paper is to discuss a priority assignation and combination method of many keyword expressions, in order to implement flexible and multiple database sorting.
After denoising, a series of operations, binarization, skeleton extraction, fringe order assignation and interpolation, were implemented and the three-dimension phase map was obtained.
After denoising, a series of operations, binarization, skeleton extraction, fringe order assignation and interpolation, were implemented and the three-dimension phase map was obtained.