The house is clearly visible from the beach.
Our beach house is just a couple of miles from the ocean.
The new beach house on Sullivan's Island should be able to withstand a Category 3 hurricane with peak winds of 179 to 209 kilometers per hour.
Living just a few blocks from the beach, Natalie can see the ocean and hear the wave from her house.
Located on the shore of Sullivan's Island off the coast of South Carolina, the award-winning-cube-shaped beach house was built to replace one smashed to pieces by Hurricane Hugo 10 years ago.
Jack and his family couldn't do much on the beach, so they went back to their house and made sandwiches and hot tea for the rescuers.
We looked at each other but no sound broke the silence of my beach side house.
The next client is a chic, fine-boned wife and grandmother who divides her time between a house in Palm Beach and an apartment in New York.
Visitors to his beach house in the Comoros might find him, surrounded by his children from seven different pretty women, sipping tea under a frangipani tree.
A similar lift-off happens on "10 Mile Stereo", when the song shifts from its deliberate opening bars to its rushing and noisy main section that's as close as Beach House have come to true shoegaze.
乐曲用十分迷人的尾符成功表现了心情的起伏。 “十里照片“(10milestereo)中,当乐曲从精致的开头转入激越而带有迷噪的主曲部分时,海边小屋向我们表现了地道的自赏派风格(shoegaze)。
The roof of a beach house at Cape Hatteras National Seashore in North Carolina sits in shambles August 27 due to high winds from Hurricane Irene.
But all paths and common sense led back to our little beach, a short walk from the house on the western side of the island.
We think, “I'll be happy when I climb that hill. When I go on vacation. When I am at the beach. When I live in that kind of house. When I finally visit that country or state.
Since beginning work on the film, he has moved to a beach in Malibu from his house in the San Francisco suburbs.
Under the advertisement, "is this the most beautiful beach house in the country?"
She spent a lot of time at our house on the beach and quickly won over Doug, Don, and Bill.
Next on the agenda: raising money to build a 6, 000-square-foot beachside pavilion to house the Angels program as well as allow physically challenged local residents easier access to the beach.
他们接下来打算筹钱建一个6 000平方英尺的海滩馆,即可以用它来举行“天使”活动,又可以帮身体不便的当地居民更轻松地到达海滩。
The house is in the lower right of the photo with the rectangular pool and in the upper left of the photo is the beautiful Royal Circle beach and charming “Royal Cove”.
First they'll take a long tour around the world and then buy a house in Florida near the beach.
First they'll take a long tour around the world and then buy a house in Florida near the beach.
That would work, but you probably wouldn't be very happy sitting around your house, or the beach, with shoes on all the time.
We also have a house at the beach in New Jersey.
So I've been busy with a couple of projects, and one of them was this, the Nutmeg, a 1930s ship's lifeboat, which I've been restoring in the garden of my beach house in England.
我一直在忙于几个项目,其中一个,叫做“肉豆蔻”(植物名)--一艘20世纪30年代的救生艇。 我把它停放在我那英格兰的海滩别墅一个后花园里。
Our house backs on to the beach.
Mr Rangel owns a beach house in the Dominican Republic, but allegedly neglected to pay taxes on $75,000 of the rental income from it. He occupies four rent-controlled apartments in New York.
A beach house patio is coated in sea foam in Nags Head, Virginia, after a drenching, wind-driven rain lashed much of the Atlantic seaboard.
“Get off the phone and eat.”Miller and Dizik heeded her instructions, and started talking about how to decorate the house in “Brighton Beach.”
Sliding doors lead out onto a terrace and a deck extending towards a 10-metre swimming pool. A small path descends from the house to a private beach.
Some of the tallest trees of the site form a row standing between the house and the beach.
Some of the tallest trees of the site form a row standing between the house and the beach.