Bob: Have you heard of The Beat Generation?
The beat generation "couldn't care less" what happens .
A smile is the beat generation, a drop of tears will pay off one.
Overlapping that pejorative label in time was the Beat Generation, so named by the writer Jack Kerouac in the '50s.
That question, posed by Jack Kerouac on behalf of the Beat generation half a century ago, is the biggest uncertainty hanging over the world economy.
The members of the Beat Generation quickly developed a reputation as new bohemianhedonists, who celebrated non-conformity and spontaneous creativity.
Barry Miles is the author of biographies of Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Charles Bukowski and other books about the Beat Generation.
Han Shan became the idol of the Beat Generation and Hippies, and his Cold Mountain poems rendered by Snyder were their spiritual food. Snyder's translation got canonized in American literature.
Long before the Beat generation made "on the road" expeditions popular, the circus personified the experience and offered many young Americans the dream of adventure, reinvention, and excitement.
The original "Beat Generation" writers met in New York.
The day of the announcement, Germany's Paul Biedermann, wearing a new Arena X-Glide, beat American star Michael Phelps, in an older-generation Speedo, in the 200-meter freestyle.
国际泳联宣布这一决定的当天,穿着新型Arena X-Glide泳衣的德国选手保罗•比德尔曼(Paul Biedermann)在男子200米自由泳比赛中一举击败了身着旧款Speedo泳衣的美国游泳明星迈克尔•菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)。
The day of the announcement, Germany's Paul Biedermann, wearing a new Arena X-Glide, beat American star Michael Phelps, in an older-generation Speedo, in the 200-meter freestyle.
国际泳联宣布这一决定的当天,穿着新型Arena X-Glide泳衣的德国选手保罗•比德尔曼(Paul Biedermann)在男子200米自由泳比赛中一举击败了身着旧款Speedo泳衣的美国游泳明星迈克尔•菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)。