I dreamed that I was inside a hospital room. I was wearing a hospital gown and I was sitting at the foot of my bed.
A portion was divided off at one end by a curtain, behind which was his bed, the outer part being furnished as a homely sitting-room.
At night, his wife, Bonnie, would help him sort through the paperwork at the kitchen table, in the living room, or sometimes sitting up in bed.
Picture this - you're in Shanghai, sitting in a hotel room, with five different maps of the city sprawled on the bed before you, and you're trying to logistically plan a day in this grand city.
It was not very long before that room again knew her, often; sitting there alone, as patient and as mild as when she had watched beside the little bed.
When beau and I walked into her room a small light was on next to her bed and the shades were pulled. she was sitting in her wheelchair her back toward us slouched over facing the viewless window.
As you are sitting up in bed, look at the objects around the room.
A middle-aged woman was sitting on the brick bed. Because there was no stove in the room she had wrapped herself up in a ragged quilt.
A middle-aged woman was sitting on the brick bed. Because there was no stove in the room she had wrapped herself up in a ragged quilt.