The teen explained that her coach chose another girl over her best friend for the varsity team.
My cushions add a splash of colour; the ones on the bed are called "Barbara" and "Poppy" after my grandma and her best friend when she was a little girl.
Or is there one girl who does have friends but just can't bear the thought that she doesn't have as good a best friend as another?
He at first resents Heidi's arrival, but the girl manages to penetrate his harsh exterior and subsequently has a delightful stay with him and her best friend, young Peter the goat-herd.
"I've got a girl friend over at the Best Buy," said the woman in front of me, motioning with her cell phone. "She says the line there is around the store."
"Hilary is the same girl she always was," says Taylor, 15, who's been Hilary's best friend for seven years. "We sit around21 for hours talking about boys and doing each other's makeup22."
I guess the whole thing must've been pretty excruciating for WG to watch... seeing her best friend and love interest passionately be with the girl she hates.
If your best friend said he would give flowers to a girl in the class because he really loves her, then what are you going to say to him?
Watching this film, it reminds me of my high school times, reminds me that I have a naive youth, my best friend and the girl I have loved.
The girl who speaks English well is my best friend.
The girl who spoke is my best friend.
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, girl of the South Side, for the past 25 years, you've been not only my wife and mother of my children, you have been my best friend.
In front of her are my best friend LCYIA and the lovely girl, me. Wow, what a wonderful family photo!
The girl who spoke is my best friend.
The teen explained that her coach chose another girl over her best friend for the varsity team. Her friend's mother was livid.
I hope that you finally understand, that I will love you untill the end, because your not just my girl, you are also my best friend!
The girl who spoke is my best friend.
Hello everyone. My best friend is Yan Qingqing. She is a pretty girl and she is very kind. We play together and help each other. In the kindergarten we also help our teacher to do many things.
The girl who is speaking is my best friend.
I got some shots, but my best friend the little girl held me softly and said it would be OK.
My best friend Liz is the smartest girl in our school.
Perhaps your best friend in the entire world was dating an amazing girl, and the whole time they were dating all you kept thinking was, "Why can't I meet somebody like her?"
The girl the girl spoke just now is my best friend.
The girl the girl spoke just now is my best friend.