The second floor's main dining area has the birdcage chandelier and the blue flower mosaic with brass frame as the center points.
Kara village of Longquan town of Danzhai County in Guizhou Province is inhabited by the Miao nationality, the birdcage manual process has a long history in the village.
A symbol of tradition, the birdcage is sued by the stylish young woman for a personal ritual in which the balloons are denied their most characteristic quality, namely their ability to float.
Buckingham Palace is also not on street view, although it can be glimpsed through the trees on Birdcage Walk.
I borrowed the idea of books in a birdcage from my very creative mother-in-law.
Was your mother an evil carny who raised you in a wicker birdcage under the streets of Paris?
Since his death, a simple black-and-white drawing has appeared on his website. It shows an empty birdcage, the door wide open.
Baby, can you put that birdcage on the floor for me?
But the rest of this story was obscured by the large birdcage standing on top of it.
The Moravian star, dove and birdcage charms are signature decorative elements that evoke Taylor's whimsical flair.
The possibility of constructing open quadrature birdcage as soft coil and quadrature phased array as lumber coil is presented.
Marriage is just like a birdcage, birds outside that want to get in but can't while the ones inside wish they can get out.
The Yan bottom out of the window hangs a birdcage, 2 small birds of feather green jade colors in imprison are playing nigh Zhou Jiu, explicit and fragile tactfully.
Objective To investigate the simulation and optimization of birdcage coil in the 0.3t Permanent Magnet MRI system.
Such machine can also be equipped with the lantern auxiliary unit manufactured by our factory to twist lantern (birdcage), it is simple in installation, saving labor, and easy to operate;
Bookcase hanger fruit basket iron the clock craft hang the piece candle the candlestick the censer christmas the storm lantern wire the frame birdcage cd the thing;
The coil circuit is birdcage type coil circuit structure. And it is pasted on the inner shell.
This room comes alive with the round dimensions, the brilliant color scheme and a faux finish on the turret and the built-in birdcage.
This room comes alive with the round dimensions, the brilliant color scheme and a faux finish on the turret and the built-in birdcage.