She has to find a purple knife in the Black House of Ice Mountain all by herself.
The black house is nested on a steep lot in Portland with views of the city and the Cascade Range beyond it.
This is the old residence for the Tongs but it is called "the black house"for having been shut for so many years.
The White House insists that the president is in touch with the pulse of the black community.
Mr. Black lives in the opposite of the house.
Following statewide redistricting last autumn, black representation in both the House and Senate doubled.
The weathered black marble floor is perfect to merge this covered outdoor space with the interior of the house.
The priests in their yellow robes moved silently through the green trees, and on a pavement of black marble stood the rose-red house in which the god had his dwelling.
They initially focused their investigation on an ex-boyfriend of Houk's and later on a claim by Brown that there had been a mysterious black vehicle outside the house.
She must still be in love with her black-haired boy; all that she's done since he left her is mooning about the house.
They will also be asking whether what Mr Carter describes could really happen in America and, of course, if the country is ready to put a black man in the White House.
Around this time I hosted a dinner at the White House to observe Black History Month.
Copies of all editions of his work published by the Black Sparrow Press are held at Western Michigan University, which purchased the archive of the publishing house after its closure in 2003.
On the screen in front of him, a woman in high-heeled black boots clicks up a driveway toward a darkened house while glancing fearfully over her shoulder.
The door closed behind us, and we stood there in the quiet, pitch-black house.
Race was once a bar to the clubs and drawing-rooms of respectable society. Now a black man is in the White House.
Even with an African American couple in the White House, the fate of the black family in America has never been so precarious.
When they voted to send a black man to the White House at the end of 2008, Americans performed one of the most remarkable ACTS of rebranding in the history of their remarkable nation.
A few days before his son was snatched, a black four-wheel drive had parked on the other side of the dusty street from the house, next to the village's communal toilet.
The neighbors reported seeing him leave the house in a black coat.
Her house is easily picked out from the rest; it has a large black gate.
The black notebook said the man to see was Bo Reece, a longtime supporter who lived in the best house in town.
And he never wants to leave the house at night, preferring to watch classic black-and-white movies on TV.
A year ago, no one here would have predicted that a black candidate would become the nominee of a major party and have a more than realistic chance of winning the White House on 4 November.
And I watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent, black young women playing with their dogs on the White House lawn.
And I watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent, black young women playing with their dogs on the White House lawn.