The boys —Patrick on bagpipes and James on snare — would play in the Fire Department’spipe band at the 9/11 funerals, sometimes two, three a day.
Stephen's band name had the term 'boy' in it and boys, which they were when they were popular in the 90s, aren't supposed to go this quickly.
These opinions were so outside the bounds that Mr Harris compared the IEA in those years to a band of 30-year-old boys fooling with fireworks.
The boys and girls go to the dance in elegant attire, and dance away the evening to the music of a live band.
Boys and girls go to the party in splendid costumes. They dance to the accompaniment of the band of the band, and have a great night.
At one point, the Beach Boys even rivaled the Beatles for the most popular band in the world.
At one point, the Beach Boys even rivaled the Beatles for the most popular band in the world.