In other countries, employers rely on the college-entry obstacle course to select the brightest and best.
As employers compete for the brightest and best recruits, prospective staff are looking for more than the traditional bottom line.
Alternative 3: to establish a 'Noah's Ark' colony of humanity's best and brightest off of the planet -on Mars.
The Academy Awards celebrate the best and brightest talents in the movie industry.
He built a business on the assumption that commercial Banks do not have the pick of the best or the brightest, and should therefore keep their strategies simple and their ambitions relatively modest.
They hire the best and brightest, spending a lot of time and effort to find the right people.
The U.S. No Longer Attracts the Best and Brightest.
It was all about hiring the best and brightest, he said; age and nationality are not important.
Articles get accepted because they satisfy a minimum standard, not because they represent the best and brightest research in the field.
It is always a pleasure to be among the best and the brightest in an atmosphere of learning.
These are some of our brightest minds on the subject, and it is the best it book I have ever read.
You will also enjoy working with the best and brightest in the industry to develop your architecture of choice.
But when it comes to immigration they are doing exactly the opposite-trying their best to keep the world's best and brightest from darkening America's doors.
We should make it easier for the best and the brightest to come to start businesses and develop products and create jobs.
Those who work in the financial system are assumed to be the best and the brightest.
The best and brightest of the Mediterranean world came to study at the Mouseion, the world's first academy, and at the great Alexandria library.
The best and the brightest of the rich world must increasingly compete with the best and the brightest from poorer countries who are willing to work harder for less money.
But pessimists reckon that having the best and brightest working abroad, often in menial jobs, is a dreadful loss.
I mean, you still find it at newsstands in the airport and so on, but the best and the brightest know that they are not supposed to talk about it anymore: because it was exposed and they were exposed.
The “milk round” was in full flood at the major universities, allowing corporate raiders to rape the best and the brightest of each new generation.
The best and the brightest young Europeans may emigrate to countries without such burdens;
All the brightest and the best trampled to death — surely even the Great War brought no more loss into one life in just twelve months, and all this as we made love not war.
President Obama can surround himself with the best and brightest minds in America. Ford's CEO can hire whomever he wants.
And so he turned his attention towards what he saw as the best and brightest in human history and society in order to determine human potential.
SkillSelect is a new skilled migrant selection register that will ensure Australia can select the best and brightest skilled migrants from a pool of prospective migrants.
SkillSelect is a new skilled migrant selection register that will ensure Australia can select the best and brightest skilled migrants from a pool of prospective migrants.