We are not the British in India.
He was thwarted by the fact that the British were besieging his observation site at Pondicherry in India.
The British empire in India was merely "an empire of opinion", thought another, founded on the unwillingness of "the natives to reflect upon their own strength".
She arrived in Madras in 1771 with her young daughter. She was far from the first British woman traveller in India but she was an early one: fewer than 100 European women and children lived there.
A stark example is the Bengal famine of 1943, during the last days of the British rule in India.
Mauritius is the largest investor in India, the British Virgin Islands one of the biggest in China.
From the Writers' Building in Calcutta, known as Kolkata in India, the British once ran colonial India.
Vedanta Resources confirmed that it would make its first foray into the oil business by acquiring a majority stake in Cairn India, part of Cairn Energy, a British oil explorer.
British officials say in the last three months of last year, there were 13,500 applications from northern India alone, seven times as many as a year earlier.
Rivalry between Nepal and the British East India Company over the annexation of minor states bordering Nepal led to the Anglo-Nepalese War (1815C16), in which Nepal suffered a complete rout.
尼泊尔与东印度公司于尼泊尔边界小州的竞争导致了英国―尼泊尔战争(1815C16) 。 尼泊尔战败。
Historical records of the climate in Asia are lamentable outside India, where the weather-obsessed British collected good data during the 19th and 20th centuries.
In May CMS Cameron McKenna, a British law firm, signed the legal industry’s biggest outsourcing deal with Integreon, an American company with operations in India.
五月份,CMSCameronMcKenna 一家英国的法律公司同Integreon公司签署了法律行业最大的外包协议。
Based on the book of the same name by guardian.co.uk columnist Alex von Tunzelmann, the film Chronicles the handover of power in the last days of British colonial rule in India in 1947.
该故事由英国《卫报》专栏作家阿丽克斯·冯·藤泽尔曼(Alex vonTunzelmann)的同名小说改编。影片按编年史讲述了1947年英国殖民统治印度最后的日子中,权力转交的过程。
I still remember the surprise with which I heard how Clive, after establishing British rule in India, went back home and cut his own throat.
Srinivasa Ramanujan was a humble clerk in British India when, in 1912, he began sending theorems to Cambridge professors. Just one recipient saw the work's value and invited Ramanujan to England.
SrinivasaRamanujan 2曾经只是英属印度的一名卑微的职员,从1912年开始,他就不停地将自己所研究的定理邮寄给剑桥大学的教授们,但只有一位收件者看到了这位职员的价值并且邀请Ramanujan前往英国。
The colonisation of India by the British lead to the Hindu Renaissance in the 19th century, which transformed the way the East and the West understood Hinduism.
Kate arrived at the Bollywood gala in a custom royal blue dress by British designer - with the beading done in India.
She was born in British colonial India, a place a world away from our comfortable homes in the West - but not so far, it would seem, from the dwelling place of our inner Self.
Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.
British man is said to have created a new world record by spending 114 days in a tiny room with 41 dangerous snakes, the Times of India reported.
The influence of the British Judicial System which India imbibed, continues in significant aspects.
As much as half the price of tea represented import duties, which had been set high because tea was imported from the British colony of India, carried in British ships, and drunk by the rich.
And today, most people who drive on the left side live in countries, like India, South Africa, and Australia, which were once British colonies.
British relinquishment of power in India was accompanied by the partition of the country; the western part of the Punjab became Pakistani territory, the eastern part Indian.
British relinquishment of power in India was accompanied by the partition of the country; the western part of the Punjab became Pakistani territory, the eastern part Indian.