Section a is a listing of the of the business objectives.
Aligns the business services being developed to the business objectives.
Identifies the business objectives and institutional practices that support them.
Provides traceability for the business objectives identified in the modeling phase.
How critical are these decisions relative to achieving the business objectives?
The service architecture can have constraints derived from the business objectives.
Such decisions have a significant impact on how the business objectives may be realized.
The business objectives are of course established by the corporation seeking improvement.
Every department establish the business objectives of oneself, and implement the business plan.
To avoid this, keep your focus sharply on what you need to achieve the business objectives for each phase.
Each requirement was mapped to the business objectives of the organization, as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
But here are the business objectives (rather than functions) we have heard from our discussions with others.
Meet key objectives of the project, such as the business objectives of the sponsoring organization, owner, or user.
The business objectives of reducing the cost of the claims process are met because we do not expect many exception cases.
The purpose of IT governance is to direct IT endeavors to ensure that IT's performance meets the business objectives so that.
It is more than the business objectives and project requirements; it is about understanding how and why the company and team work.
Analysis is often bypassed and implementations are more likely to not meet the business objectives (resulting in more iterations).
Business event processing (BEP) software helps businesses detect, evaluate, and react to event patterns in time to meet the business objectives.
业务事件处理(business event processing,BEP)软件帮助企业实时检测、评估事件模式并对其做出反应,从而满足业务目标。
Each phase contains one or more iterations, which focus on producing the technical deliverables necessary to achieve the business objectives of that phase.
This scorecard, like the one in the tactical engagement, carries a vivid message except this time it is tied more quantitatively to the business objectives.
We have now finished the identification, specification, and realization of the services, consumers, and providers necessary to meet the business objectives.
To maximize value from big data, FS companies should begin their big data initiatives by agreeing on the business objectives they are trying to accomplish.
We have now finished the identification, specification, and implementation (or realization) design of the service participants needed to meet the business objectives.
We have now finished the identification, specification, and realization of the services and the participants that provide and use them to meet the business objectives.
Even seasoned outside lawyers may waste their clients' time and money fighting over far-fetched hypothetical issues irrelevant to the business objectives of a transaction.
These patterns describe how to structure an application to best leverage the underlying technical framework to accomplish the business objectives of the target application.
We have now finished the identification, specification, and implementation (or realization) design of the services, consumers, and providers needed to meet the business objectives.
Identify legal, regulatory and contractual requirements and organizational policies and standards related to IS to determine their potential impact on the business objectives.
The second chapter examines the value system of enterprises and its effect upon the business objectives, including the detailed introduction of business value and its management.
PO is the first domain in the lifecycle as it covers strategy and tactics, and concerns the identification of the way IT can best contribute to the achievement of the business objectives.